Sunday, July 20, 2014

A hint of things to come

Ten days. That's all we have. Ten days to set the world on fire and break out of our collective rut.

We're sticking to three basic principles as we plan our adventures:

1) It has to be local (within 100 miles)
2) It has to be cheap (we have a total budget of $500 for the whole 10 days)
3) It has to be something we've never done/someplace we've never gone before

Here's an example of one of our upcoming adventures! I don't want to tell you too much, because I'm going to make the kids write the whole thing up after it's all done, and you'll want to read it. Still, here's a picture to whet your appetite:

I found this picture on the internet. It made me want to go to there. 
We don't know fully what to expect (which is part of the adventure), but we know it'll involve boats. And, if this picture is any indicator, it may involve deer. We'll have to discover the rest in real time.

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